Friday, December 17, 2010


Back at the beginning of the year when I started this blog, I commented on the subject of photos and their place in the art of painting.
I ran across a book that was something of a revelation to me. It showed how many well known and well respected artists have used photos as a basis for their paintings. I won't say any more. See for yourself... a small sample:

The Eiffel Tower by Robert Delaunay..from photo

Dog by Francis Bacon from a Muybridge photo

Drawing of Renoir by Picasso..from photo

Bather by Cezanne....from photo.

Nude by Edvard Munch...from photo.

Francis Bacon's wrestlers from photo by E. Muybridge

Francis Bacon used a still from the film Potemkin as a basis for his Pope portrait.

1 comment:

  1. What is the title of this book? Who wrote it? Published where and when?
