Friday, March 19, 2010

Grids etc.

There is a kind of purist snobbery in the art world about how one gets the drawing onto the canvas.
Some say it must be drawn freehand using only the eye to acertain position and size and proportion. (although,of course, holding up a pencil as a marker seems to be OK !!)

Others say the grid method is acceptable
Some trace.

All methods show a greater or lesser degree of personal involvement...personal ability.

Compare the person who takes a blank canvas, looks at his still life and draws his forms to the one who takes a photo and traces the forms onto the canvas.

Both get the drawing down and can begin using paint.
Yes, the final work is a painting and that work stands on its own merits as a painting.
But one, perhaps, can claim a bit more credit as an artist, having used his skills from the beginning.

Personally, I'm not overly concerned about using grids etc.
I just want to know that I can draw.

Right now, my drawing, seeing, measuring skills are not developed.

Some people take years to train the eye to be able to look at a composition of objects and render their size, shape and relationship to one another accurately.

I'd love to have the luxury of time to develop these skills !!

I'm not a young student with years ahead of me I cut to the chase.

But it makes me feel a little less authentic.

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